I have been trying to build a very low rate pump using off-the-shelf parts. The goal is to be able to run at rates from 0.1 mL/hr (or lower) to 1000 mL/hr( or higher).
The discussions below are some of the configurations, hardware, software and other problems I have faced.
Current Status
- calculate formula and test
- DONE Do a sample run
- DONE run some sample tests to get sample data
- DONE graph the current data
- DONE use GSL to calculate the linear regression formula coefficients
- use a calculated bresenham value instead of precalculating and saving in an array
- update arduino controller to use longer time base and more slots (to get lower possible rates) To Go Slower
- delete current test data and rerun tests with the new setup to recalculate pps to flowrate coefficients
- add the linear coefficients to the motor control
- run tests to gather a series of expected flow rate vs actual flow rate
- DONE Do a sample run
- DONE set up a high resolution scale, see Acculab/Sartorius Scale
- DONE set up a Stepper motor, no feedback, with a peristaltic head, see (Current) Stepper Motor with Peristaltic Head
- DONE initially used a low resolution scale, see Ohaus Scale
- DONE set up a simple 12V motor, no feedback, with a peristaltic head see 12VDC Motor with Peristaltic Head
Overall Strategy
The strategy I'm using is straightforward:
1) run the pump
Set up the pump and controller to be able to run at a wide range of speeds.
2) Calculate the actual fluid rate
Over a wide range of control values, calculate the actual fluid rate over a wide range of control values, calculate the actual fluid rate
3) use linear regression
Find a formula that translates from the actual fluid rate to a control value, e.g. I want 2mL/hr, therefore I send "45" to the pump controller.
4) use that formula in the control software
5) confirm all is ok by retesting the overall system
It's Easy
Step 1 is easy. The various pump controllers have a speed mechanism, and they take a control value of some kind to allow us to change the speed of the pump. Sometimes it is just a raw number (say from 0 to 255) or it could be a voltage or some other electrical value or signal (e.g. pulses per second).
Step 2 is hard. Its complexity is hidden in the words "actual fluid rate".
Step 3 is easy. The regression formula can be 1st order or higher to get a nice low R2 value. It could incorporate other variables in the future, e.g. time elapsed, fluid pressures, etc.
Non-linearity in the motor control or in the pumping mechanism can be smoothed out (up to a point) with higher order regressions. Note there is always the caveat of over-fitting to the data!
Step 4 is easy. As always, I need to watch out for floating point arithmetic errors and glitches.
Step 5 is easy - if we've solved the problems in Step 2!
More Tasks...
Since this project is just to satisfy my curiosity, I probably won't be doing these extra tasks but, you never know...
- Testing across multiple motors, motor controllers and pump heads is probably a very good idea!
- Investigate the idea of adding a calibration facility. This could be another formula that tweaks just a little for each individual pump.
- Test the extremes.
- What is the fastest rate?
- What is the slowest rate?
- Test the exceptions:
- What happens if the fluid reservoir runs out?
- what happens if the tubing isn't primed correctly?
- What happens if you clamp an input or an output line?
- What if the power supply voltage isn't quite correct?
- etc.
More discussion
- Delivery Equipment - an overview of the delivery pump, software, etc.
- Pulse Distribution - a discussion of how to do a very accurate pulse delivery even at very slow speeds
- Initial Testing - the results of initial testing
- Test Equipment - the test equipment and issues found during testing
- Test Results - the overall test results found
- Go Slower - how to get the delivery rate even slower
- Overall Results - the overall conclusions and results