This shows how to create a minimal project from an application template.
See Minimal Module/Library project for Modules or Libraries.
After following these instructions you will have a new python, C/C++ or Arduino project with support for most activities you'll need.
The new application project name is "test-123". Most of the steps below are for a python application since it is simplest.
Create a directory for the project and set up minimal git
mkdir test-123
cd test-123
# must be a git project
git init
copy from template
Clone one of the templates:
- Python: devpy-app-template
- C/C++: devcpp-app-template
- Arduino: devino-app-template
Since this example is for python, clone devpy-app-template Copy files from the template. I use the "meld" diff tool, since it is very easy to copy files over and to see any differences.
# run meld in the background
meld ../devpy-app-template . &
Copy these files:
- tools/install/do_install_ubu
- tools/requirements.txt
- tools/set_env.sh
- .gitignore
- .gitmodules
- do_install
- do_subm_update
- doit
- xplat.cfg
Update config files
Open the project in PyCharm or your preferred IDE.
Modify xplat.cfg: new name, description and other info:
is_module = False << check: indicates an application
mod_tech = 'python' << check: indicates python
mod_name = 'test-123'
doxy_desc = 'application to test 123'
# these are optional until you are ready to publish your app
author = 'Your Name'
email = 'your@email.com'
homepage_url = 'https://bitbucket.org/{mod_type}/{mod_name}/src/master'
download_url = 'https://bitbucket.org/{mod_type}/{mod_name}/get/master.zip'
setup xplat_utils
Set up the initial content for the xplat_utils submodule
./do_subm_update full
create python virtual environment
Modify tools/requirements.txt: add all modules you need
# example modules:
Install the common modules and the ones your projects needs:
- in Pycharm: mark these directories as excluded:
- out
- venv
- update Pycharm venv:
- Configure Python Interpreter
- Add New Interpreter
- Add Local Interpreter
- click Existing
- It should show the venv as the local interpreter
- click OK
create initial source file(s)
Add your script to the lib directory
mkdir doc # needed by tools
mkdir lib
# create your script in lib
touch lib/test1.py
Update doit to invoke the script
# original: $pyexe lib/main.py "$@" | cmn_tee
$pyexe lib/test1.py "$@" | cmn_tee
run it
Typical output:
==== doit: starting...
gen: constants_version.py rc=0
hello world
doit: run_it rc=0
The lib directory should have a new file "constants_version.py". This contains the version string from xplat.cfg
The "tools/version_info.json" will contain which OS you've run this app on.
"Ubuntu 24.04 noble, Python 3.10": {
"num_runs": 1,
"run_date": "2025-01-11",
"cov_pct": "97%"
add additional modules if needed
If your script needs additional modules, add them to tools/requirements.txt and rerun do_install
# rerun script to check it worked
other scripts available
The template has additional scripts you can use:
- copy over do_check to double-check your setup is correct and to generate a License.txt file
- copy over these to add Unit Tests
- do_ut
- pytest.ini
- setup.cfg
- copy over these to add Verification tests
- do_ver
- pytest.ini
- setup.cfg
- copy over these to add linter capabilities
- do_lint
- setup.cfg
- copy over these to add the ability to generate doxygen documentation and PDF
- do_doc
- copy README_template.md and rename it to README.md
- copy over do_clean to be able to clean up temp directories etc.
C/C++ Applications
Create a directory for the project and set up minimal git
mkdir test-123
cd test-123
# must be a git project
git init
copy from template
Clone C/C++ devcpp-app-template
# run meld in the background
meld ../devcpp-app-template . &
Copy these files:
- tools/install/do_install_ubu
- tools/requirements.txt
- tools/set_env.sh
- .clang-format # include if you use source code formatting in CLion
- .clang-tidy # include if you want CLion to report lint warnings
- .gitignore
- .gitmodules
- do_build
- do_gen
- do_install
- do_subm_update
- doit
- gen.py
- xplat.cfg
Update config files
Open the project in CLion or your preferred IDE.
Modify xplat.cfg: new name, description and other info:
is_module = False << check indicates an application
mod_tech = 'cpp' << check indicates C/C++
mod_name = 'test-123'
doxy_desc = 'application to test 123'
# these are optional until you are ready to publish your app
author = 'Your Name'
email = 'your@email.com'
homepage_url = 'https://bitbucket.org/{mod_type}/{mod_name}/src/master'
download_url = 'https://bitbucket.org/{mod_type}/{mod_name}/get/master.zip'
setup xplat_utils
Set up the initial content for the xplat_utils submodule
./do_subm_update full
create python virtual environment
Note a Python venv is still needed because the tools are written in python
Note: tools/requirements.txt should be empty since the default modules are the ones needed ny the tools
Install the common modules:
create initial source file(s)
mkdir doc # needed by tools
mkdir src
touch src/main.cpp
# or main.c as needed
# include <cstdio>
// --------------------
auto main() -> int {
printf("hello world\n");
generate Makefile
- open gen.py
- at this point, Clion will want to configure a venv:
- Configure Python Interpreter
- Add Interpreter
- Add Local Interpreter
- click Existing
- It should show the venv as the local interpreter
- click OK
- create the Makefile targets
- temporarily comment out cpip target
- temporarily comment out gtest "ut" target
from pyalamake import alamake
# === C++ tgt
tgt = alamake.create('test-123', 'cpp') << ensure target is test-123
# === generate makefile for all targets
generate the Makefile
In CLion, open the Makefile.
There is a "Project is not configured" message.
- Click on Fix....
- Click "Load Makefile Project"
- get dlgbox "Load Project"
- ensure "Clean project" is selected
- Click OK
build the app
additional configuration
- in CLion: mark these directories as excluded:
- out
- venv
- debug
run it
Typical output:
---> do_makefile: starting target:test-123-run...
-- 1] debug/test-123
-- 2] hello world
OK do_makefile: target test-123-run rc=0
The src directory should have a new file "version.h". This contains the version string from xplat.cfg
The "tools/version_info.json" will contain which OS you've run this app on.
"Ubuntu 24.04 noble, Python 3.10": {
"num_runs": 1,
"run_date": "2025-01-11",
"cov_pct": "97%"
other scripts available
The template has additional scripts you can use:
- copy over do_check to double-check your setup is correct and to generate a License.txt file
- copy over these to add Unit Tests
- update gen.py for a gtest target and run ./do_gen to update Makefile
- do_ut
- copy over these to add linter capabilities
- do_lint
- run
for cppcheck or./do_lint clang-tidy
- copy over these to add the ability to generate doxygen documentation and PDF
- do_doc
- copy README_template.md and rename it to README.md
- copy over do_clean to be able to clean up temp directories etc.
Arduino Applications
Create a directory for the project and set up minimal git
mkdir test-123
cd test-123
# must be a git project
git init
copy from template
same as for C++ except:
Clone Arduino devino-app-template
# run meld in the background
meld ../devino-app-template . &
Copy these files:
- tools/install/do_install_ubu
- tools/requirements.txt
- tools/set_env.sh
- .clang-format # include if you use source code formatting in CLion
- .clang-tidy # include if you want CLion to report lint warnings
- .gitignore
- .gitmodules
- do_build
- do_gen
- do_install
- do_subm_update
- do_upload # uploads image to Arduino
- doit
- gen.py
- xplat.cfg
Update config files
Open the project in CLion or your preferred IDE.
Modify xplat.cfg: new name, description and other info:
is_module = False << check indicates an application
mod_tech = 'arduino' << check indicates arduino
mod_name = 'test-123'
doxy_desc = 'application to test 123'
# these are optional until you are ready to publish your app
author = 'Your Name'
email = 'your@email.com'
homepage_url = 'https://bitbucket.org/{mod_type}/{mod_name}/src/master'
download_url = 'https://bitbucket.org/{mod_type}/{mod_name}/get/master.zip'
setup xplat_utils
Set up the initial content for the xplat_utils submodule
./do_subm_update full
create python virtual environment
Note a Python venv is still needed because the tools are written in python
Note: tools/requirements.txt should be empty since the default modules are the ones needed ny the tools
Install the common modules:
create initial source file(s)
mkdir doc # needed by tools
mkdir src
touch src/main.cpp
# or main.c as needed
same as for C++, except the source file has to be Arduino compatible.
//! Summary: Blink the arduino led using random count and delays between blinks
#include <Arduino.h>
//! holds mS between toggling the LED
unsigned long delaycount;
//! holds the number of blinks to do
unsigned long flashcount;
// --------------------
//! Arduino setup
void setup()
// initialize the digital pin as an output.
// Pin 13 has an LED connected on most Arduino boards:
pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
// delay between flashes: 0 to 255 ms
delaycount = 120;
// number of flashes: 0 - 15 times
flashcount = 5;
// --------------------
//! Arduino main loop
// blink the LED rapidly for about a second
// turn it off for a full second
// and repeat
void loop()
// set the pin high which turns on the LED and then wait a bit
digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
// do a turn on/turn off cycle N times
// each cycle takes about 50 + 50 = 100ms
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < flashcount; ++i) {
// set the pin low which turns off the LED and then wait a bit
digitalWrite(13, LOW);
// turn on the LED and wait
digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
// ensure the LED off
digitalWrite(13, LOW);
// wait for a second
generate Makefile
- open gen.py
- at this point, Clion will want to configure a venv:
- Configure Python Interpreter
- Add Interpreter
- Add Local Interpreter
- click Existing
- It should show the venv as the local interpreter
- If not, manually select venv/bin/python
- click OK
- create the Makefile targets
- temporarily comment out gtest "ut" target
- needs an arduino core (see below)
from pyalamake import alamake
sh1 = alamake.create_arduino_shared()
sh1.set_boardid('nano-atmega328old') # update to your board type
sh1.set_avrdude_port('/dev/ttyUSB0') # update to the usb port for arduino programming
# === arduino core
core = alamake.create('core', 'arduino-core', shared=sh1)
# no additional directories, libs, etc. needed
# === arduino tgt
tgt = alamake.create('test-123', 'arduino', shared=sh1) << ensure target is test-123
# === generate makefile for all targets
generate the Makefile
In CLion, open the Makefile.
There is a "Project is not configured" message.
- Click on Fix....
- Click "Load Makefile Project"
- get dlgbox "Load Project"
- ensure "Clean project" is selected
- Click OK
build the app
additional configuration
- in CLion: mark these directories as excluded:
- out
- venv
- debug
run it
Turn on the Arduino; ensure it is plugged into the USB port.
# or since it is already built:
The output should indicate the arduino was flashed correctly.
The arduino LED should flash according to the values you used for
delaycount = 120;
flashcount = 5;
The src directory should have a new file "version.h". This contains the version string from xplat.cfg
The "tools/version_info.json" will contain which OS you've run this app on.
"Ubuntu 24.04 noble, Python 3.10": {
"num_runs": 1,
"run_date": "2025-01-11",
"cov_pct": "97%"
other scripts available
The template has additional scripts you can use:
- copy over do_check to double-check your setup is correct and to generate a License.txt file
- copy over these to add Unit Tests
- update gen.py for a gtest target and run ./do_gen to update Makefile
- do_ut
- copy over these to add linter capabilities
- do_lint
- run
for cppcheck or./do_lint clang-tidy
- copy over these to add the ability to generate doxygen documentation and PDF
- do_doc
- copy README_template.md and rename it to README.md
- copy over do_clean to be able to clean up temp directories etc.