How to Create a Minimal Application


This shows how to create a minimal project from an application template.

See Minimal Module/Library project for Modules or Libraries.

After following these instructions you will have a new python, C/C++ or Arduino project with support for most activities you'll need.


The new application project name is "test-123". Most of the steps below are for a python application since it is simplest.


Create a directory for the project and set up minimal git

mkdir test-123
cd test-123

# must be a git project
git init

copy from template

Clone one of the templates:

Since this example is for python, clone devpy-app-template Copy files from the template. I use the "meld" diff tool, since it is very easy to copy files over and to see any differences.

# run meld in the background
meld ../devpy-app-template . &

Copy these files:

  • tools/install/do_install_ubu
  • tools/requirements.txt
  • tools/
  • .gitignore
  • .gitmodules
  • do_install
  • do_subm_update
  • doit
  • xplat.cfg

Update config files

Open the project in PyCharm or your preferred IDE.

Modify xplat.cfg: new name, description and other info:

is_module = False     << check indicates an application
mod_tech = 'python'   << check indicate python

mod_name = 'test-123'
doxy_desc = 'application to test 123'

# these are optional until you are ready to publish your app
author = 'Your Name'
email = ''
homepage_url = '{mod_type}/{mod_name}/src/master'
download_url = '{mod_type}/{mod_name}/get/'

setup xplat_utils

Set up the initial content for the xplat_utils submodule

./do_subm_update full

create python virtual environment

Modify tools/requirements.txt: add all modules you need

# example modules:

Install the common modules and the ones your projects needs:

  • in Pycharm: mark these directories as excluded:

    • out
    • venv
  • update Pycharm venv:

    • Configure Python Interpreter
    • Add New Interpreter
    • Add Local Interpreter
    • click Existing
    • It should show the venv as the local interpreter
    • click OK

create initial source file(s)

Add your script to the lib directory

mkdir doc   # needed by tools

mkdir lib
# create your script in lib
touch lib/

Update doit to invoke the script

# original: $pyexe lib/ "$@" | cmn_tee
$pyexe lib/ "$@" | cmn_tee

run it

Typical output:

==== doit: starting...
     gen: rc=0
hello world
     doit: run_it rc=0

The lib directory should have a new file "". This contains the version string from xplat.cfg

The doc directory should have a new file "". This contains which OS you've run this app on.

Ubuntu 22.04 jammy, Python 3.10

add additional modules if needed

If your script needs additional modules, add them to tools/requirements.txt and rerun do_install

# rerun script to check it worked

other scripts available

The template has additional scripts you can use:

  • copy over do_check to double-check your setup is correct and to generate a License.txt file

  • copy over these to add Unit Tests

    • do_ut
    • pytest.ini
    • setup.cfg
  • copy over these to add Verification tests

    • do_ver
    • pytest.ini
    • setup.cfg
  • copy over these to add linter capabilities

    • do_lint
    • setup.cfg
  • copy over these to add the ability to generate doxygen documentation and PDF

    • do_doc
    • copy and rename it to
  • copy over do_clean to be able to clean up temp directories etc.

C/C++ Applications


Create a directory for the project and set up minimal git

mkdir test-123
cd test-123

# must be a git project
git init

copy from template

Clone C/C++ devcpp-app-template

# run meld in the background
meld ../devcpp-app-template . &

Copy these files:

  • tools/install/do_install_ubu
  • tools/requirements.txt
  • tools/
  • .clang-format # include if you use source code formatting in CLion
  • .clang-tidy # include if you want CLion to report lint warnings
  • .gitignore
  • .gitmodules
  • do_build
  • do_gen
  • do_install
  • do_subm_update
  • doit
  • xplat.cfg

Update config files

Open the project in CLion or your preferred IDE.

Modify xplat.cfg: new name, description and other info:

is_module = False    << check indicates an application
mod_tech = 'cpp'     << check indicates C/C++

mod_name = 'test-123'
doxy_desc = 'application to test 123'

# these are optional until you are ready to publish your app
author = 'Your Name'
email = ''
homepage_url = '{mod_type}/{mod_name}/src/master'
download_url = '{mod_type}/{mod_name}/get/'

setup xplat_utils

Set up the initial content for the xplat_utils submodule

./do_subm_update full

create python virtual environment

Note a Python venv is still needed because the tools are written in python

Note: tools/requirements.txt should be empty since the default modules are the ones needed ny the tools

Install the common modules:


create initial source file(s)

mkdir doc   # needed by tools

mkdir src

touch src/main.cpp
# or main.c as needed
# include <cstdio>

// --------------------
auto main() -> int {
    printf("hello world\n");

generate Makefile

  • open

  • at this point, Clion will want to configure a venv:

    • Configure Python Interpreter
    • Add Interpreter
    • Add Local Interpreter
    • click Existing
    • It should show the venv as the local interpreter
    • click OK
  • create the Makefile targets

    • temporarily comment out cpip target
    • temporarily comment out gtest "ut" target
from pyalamake import alamake

# === C++ tgt
tgt = alamake.create('test-123', 'cpp')  << ensure target is test-123

# === generate makefile for all targets

generate the Makefile


In CLion, open the Makefile.

There is a "Project is not configured" message.

  • Click on Fix....
  • Click "Load Makefile Project"
  • get dlgbox "Load Project"
  • ensure "Clean project" is selected
  • Click OK

build the app


additional configuration

  • in CLion: mark these directories as excluded:
    • out
    • venv
    • debug

run it


Typical output:

---> do_makefile: starting target:test-123-run...
 --  1] debug/test-123
 --  2] hello world
OK   do_makefile: target test-123-run rc=0

The src directory should have a new file "version.h". This contains the version string from xplat.cfg

The doc directory should have a new file "". This contains which OS you've run this app on.

Ubuntu 22.04 jammy, Python 3.10

other scripts available

The template has additional scripts you can use:

  • copy over do_check to double-check your setup is correct and to generate a License.txt file

  • copy over these to add Unit Tests

    • update for a gtest target and run ./do_gen to update Makefile
    • do_ut
  • copy over these to add linter capabilities

    • do_lint
    • run ./do_lint for cppcheck or ./do_lint clang-tidy
  • copy over these to add the ability to generate doxygen documentation and PDF

    • do_doc
    • copy and rename it to
  • copy over do_clean to be able to clean up temp directories etc.

Arduino Applications


Create a directory for the project and set up minimal git

mkdir test-123
cd test-123

# must be a git project
git init

copy from template

same as for C++ except:

Clone Arduino devino-app-template

# run meld in the background
meld ../devino-app-template . &

Copy these files:

  • tools/install/do_install_ubu
  • tools/requirements.txt
  • tools/
  • .clang-format # include if you use source code formatting in CLion
  • .clang-tidy # include if you want CLion to report lint warnings
  • .gitignore
  • .gitmodules
  • do_build
  • do_gen
  • do_install
  • do_subm_update
  • do_upload # uploads image to Arduino
  • doit
  • xplat.cfg

Update config files

Open the project in CLion or your preferred IDE.

Modify xplat.cfg: new name, description and other info:

is_module = False        << check indicates an application
mod_tech = 'arduino'     << check indicates arduino

mod_name = 'test-123'
doxy_desc = 'application to test 123'

# these are optional until you are ready to publish your app
author = 'Your Name'
email = ''
homepage_url = '{mod_type}/{mod_name}/src/master'
download_url = '{mod_type}/{mod_name}/get/'

setup xplat_utils

Set up the initial content for the xplat_utils submodule

./do_subm_update full

create python virtual environment

Note a Python venv is still needed because the tools are written in python

Note: tools/requirements.txt should be empty since the default modules are the ones needed ny the tools

Install the common modules:


create initial source file(s)

mkdir doc   # needed by tools

mkdir src

touch src/main.cpp
# or main.c as needed

same as for C++, except the source file has to be Arduino compatible.

//! Summary: Blink the arduino led using random count and delays between blinks
#include <Arduino.h>

//! holds mS between toggling the LED
unsigned long delaycount;
//! holds the number of blinks to do
unsigned long flashcount;

// --------------------
//! Arduino setup
void setup()
    // initialize the digital pin as an output.
    // Pin 13 has an LED connected on most Arduino boards:
    pinMode(13, OUTPUT);

    // delay between flashes: 0 to 255 ms
    delaycount = 120;
    // number of flashes: 0 - 15 times
    flashcount = 5;

// --------------------
//! Arduino main loop
// blink the LED rapidly for about a second
// turn it off for a full second
// and repeat
void loop()
    // set the pin high which turns on the LED and then wait a bit
    digitalWrite(13, HIGH);

    // do a turn on/turn off cycle N times
    // each cycle takes about 50 + 50 = 100ms
    for (unsigned long i = 0; i < flashcount; ++i) {
        // set the pin low which turns off the LED and then wait a bit
        digitalWrite(13, LOW);

        // turn on the LED and wait
        digitalWrite(13, HIGH);

    // ensure the LED off
    digitalWrite(13, LOW);

    // wait for a second

generate Makefile

  • open

  • at this point, Clion will want to configure a venv:

    • Configure Python Interpreter
    • Add Interpreter
    • Add Local Interpreter
    • click Existing
    • It should show the venv as the local interpreter
    • If not, manually select venv/bin/python
    • click OK
  • create the Makefile targets

    • temporarily comment out gtest "ut" target
    • needs an arduino core (see below)
from pyalamake import alamake

sh1 = alamake.create_arduino_shared()
sh1.set_boardid('nano-atmega328old')    # update to your board type
sh1.set_avrdude_port('/dev/ttyUSB0')    # update to the usb port for arduino programming

# === arduino core
core = alamake.create('core', 'arduino-core', shared=sh1)
# no additional directories, libs, etc. needed

# === arduino tgt
tgt = alamake.create('test-123', 'arduino', shared=sh1)   << ensure target is test-123

# === generate makefile for all targets

generate the Makefile


In CLion, open the Makefile.

There is a "Project is not configured" message.

  • Click on Fix....
  • Click "Load Makefile Project"
  • get dlgbox "Load Project"
  • ensure "Clean project" is selected
  • Click OK

build the app


additional configuration

  • in CLion: mark these directories as excluded:
    • out
    • venv
    • debug

run it

Turn on the Arduino; ensure it is plugged into the USB port.

# or since it is already built:

The output should indicate the arduino was flashed correctly.

The arduino LED should flash according to the values you used for

    delaycount = 120;
    flashcount = 5;

The src directory should have a new file "version.h". This contains the version string from xplat.cfg

The doc directory should have a new file "". This contains which OS you've run this app on.

Ubuntu 22.04 jammy, Python 3.10

other scripts available

The template has additional scripts you can use:

  • copy over do_check to double-check your setup is correct and to generate a License.txt file

  • copy over these to add Unit Tests

    • update for a gtest target and run ./do_gen to update Makefile
    • do_ut
  • copy over these to add linter capabilities

    • do_lint
    • run ./do_lint for cppcheck or ./do_lint clang-tidy
  • copy over these to add the ability to generate doxygen documentation and PDF

    • do_doc
    • copy and rename it to
  • copy over do_clean to be able to clean up temp directories etc.

- John Arrizza