Setup for Ubuntu
These instructions were confirmed by creating an empty Ubuntu 22.04 image in VirtualBox VM, see Creating Vbox VM.
Open Terminal, add to favorites if necessary
install git and ssh
sudo apt install openssh-client
sudo apt install git
- Ubuntu 24.02 installs python3.12 by default. To use python3.10
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3.10
# or do this in any of the projects
./do_install full
- set up bitbucket and clone a project
# do once: set up ssh key
# see
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -b 4096 -C "" -f ~/.ssh/bitbucket
cat ~/.ssh/
- save to your bitbucket account
- Open Bitbucket
- go to settings (the cog icon)
- select "Person Bitbucket settings"
- select "SSH keys"
- click "Add key"
- dlgbox "Add SSH key"
- enter a Label to remember which machine this is for
- paste the content of into "Key"
- click "Add key"
Run a project the first time
Assume the project will be created in the ~/projects directory.
See Dev Python Application Template page for a description.
- clone the project
cd ~/projects
git clone
cd devpy-app-template
- do an initial setup of the submodule(s)
# setup submodules
./do_subm_update full
# check it's created
ll tools
drwxrwxr-x 5 arrizza arrizza 4096 Feb 27 09:45 xplat_utils/
- do a full install
# do a full install to get additional packages needed
# and to set up python venv
./do_install full
# takes a 5-10m minutes the first time
- check that it worked okay
Initially there will be 3 error/warnings:
WARN Doxyfile: Doxyfile not found, skipping check
- this will be fixed by ./do_doc in the next step
ERR .gitconfig cannot find /home/arrizza/.gitconfig
- create a ~/.gitconfig for your own preferences and install it ~/.gitconfig
- I use meld (
sudo apt install meld
) for diff and merge see Set up gitconfig
ERR .pypirc exists : False
this is for Pypi module publishing, see your account at
it will look something like:
username= __token__
password= <your token password>
- generate doc, check lint and other commands
# there should an out directory and a doc/devpy-app-template.pdf.
# open it and check the contents of the PDF
# the warning above for doxygen should be gone
# should be no warnings
# note: setuptools may be "out of date", it's not used in this project
- check it runs
# rc should be 0
# this prints logger examples so there will be "WARN" and "ERR" lines
# rc should be 0
# check coverage by opening out/coverage/index.html, should 85% or higher
# rc should be 0
# check coverage by opening out/coverage/index.html, should 5% or higher
run a project - subsequent
Once the project is cloned and run once, some of the steps above can be simplified
cd ~/projects/devpy-app-template
# double-check submodules are up to date
# do a quick update (if any) of linux and pip packages
# get doc
# check it
# run it