Python module for a very fast logging utilities


PyPi module
git repository
git command git clone
Verification Report
Version Info
  • macOS 14.2.1, Python 3.10
  • Ubuntu 20.04 focal, Python 3.10
  • Ubuntu 22.04 jammy, Python 3.10
  • win32 Windows 10, Python 3.10


This is a python module that provides a way to run a fast logger. Peregrine Falcons are the fastest animals alive (according to Google). They go that fast by having as minimal drag as possible.

Sample code

see for a full example

from falcon_logger import FalconLogger


Use doit script to run the logger and compare against other loggers.

To run the FalconLogger:

./doit falcon
./doit falcon --numlines=100000

To run the others loggers:

./doit stdout  # no file, just stdout
./doit normal  # use the python logger
./doit rsyslog # use the rsyslog python module

Comparing Times

The overall time is very dependent on which OS you use and the speed of your computer

on MSYS2 for 100,000 lines:
stdout: total time: 3170.0 ms
falcon: total time: 3623.9 ms
normal: total time: 5722.8 ms
rsyslog fails with an exception 

- John Arrizza