Gorp Recipe


This is a recipe that is lightweight and high calorie for long, strenuous hikes.


The ingredients are packages I found in the local grocery store, YMMV. The "cal/serving" was listed on the package, the rest are calculated.

A "bag" is the total amount of gorp in one recipe.

Note: Assuming that 1000 calories (about 200g) is enough for one hike, this will make enough for about 16 hikes.

Ingredients cal / serving weight / serving (g) Total (g) servings / bag cal / bag
M&M 220 42 1276 30.381 6683.8
cashews 170 28 454 16.214 2756.4
almonds 170 28 454 16.214 2756.4
pine 190 28 227 8.107 1540.4
fruit slices 140 40 566 14.150 1981.0
cranberries 90 28 141 5.036 453.2
cranberries 90 28 141 5.036 453.2
Total calories 16624.5
Total weight (gm) 3259
calories/100 gm 510.1

Note: If you're on a diet, don't make this! According to google, a plain donut has a calorie density of 424 calories/100g. This gorp has a calorie density of 510 calories/100g. And, if you eat 1 scoopful, it's tasty and so you'll eat another and then another. Hard to stop.

Note: It has nuts, and so if you're allergic to them, don't make this.

- John Arrizza