Medical Device - medver-pytest


PyPi module
git repository
git command git clone
Verification Report
Version Info
  • Ubuntu 20.04 focal, Python 3.10
  • Ubuntu 22.04 jammy, Python 3.10


medver-pytest is a python module that provides verification functions for generating an FDA compliant set of reports. The generation of the raw test data can be done with Python scripts or by manual or semi-automated scripts.

  • it uses pytest to invoke the scripts, all of pytest functionality is available
  • set of automated test functions
  • set of Manual test functions
  • 4 reports:
    • Test Protocol
    • Test Report
    • Trace Matrix
    • Summary

The verification test cases are written in Python which uses the pytest module to invoke the test cases. During execution, various data is captured. The data is then used by the report facility to generate Test Protocol, Test Report and Trace Matrix documents in docx, pdf and text formats. A summary is also generated indicating percentage of requirements that are complete, passing/failing etc.


A tutorial with sample verification scripts for a (simulated!) IV pump is here There is a User Guide with full details there.

The tutorial repo is used to help develop medver-pytest and to ensure it's provides a comprehensive set of functions.

That repo tests a simulated IV pump application, including a set of requirements and test scripts that use medver-pytest. A sample set of reports can be generated and reviewed.

There are also a few other repos that have used medver-pytest, again for proof-of-concept and comprehensive set of useful functions:


pip install medver-pytest

Quick Guide

  • the file shows various examples of using medver-pytest.
  • to invoke all tests use:

or invoke a subset of test cases:

# the "-k" switch is part of pytest
./doit -k test_0

# invoke only passing tests that are fully automated
./doit -k "not semi and not fails"

# invoke only semi-manual tests
./doit -k "semi"

invoking the test_sample script

The test is run in doit by:

function run_it()

The report is run in doit by:

function run_report()

see out/ver directory for pdf or docx reports


The doc/installation_*.md files contain additional information for installing medver-pytest for various supported platforms:

  • : MAC OS
  • : MSYS2 on Windows
  • : Ubuntu

Python environment

Note that the script sets the python environment for various platforms and sets variables

  • $pyexe - the python executable
  • $pybin - the location of the environment bin directory
source "${pybin}/activate"
# ... skip ...
$pyexe helpers/

## Report Output

* the output files are in the out/ver directory

ls out/ver
medver_pytest.log # the log output
medver_pytest.txt # output from doit script
*_protocol.json   # data generated during the test case run
summary.docx      # docx version of summary document
summary.pdf       # pdf version of summary document
summary.txt       # text version of summary document
test_protocol.*   # test protocol document in various formats
test_report.*     # test report document in various formats
trace.*           # trace matrix document in various formats 


If you want to use the medver-pytest command line switches from pytest, ensure you call the cli_addoption() and cli_configure() functions in

from medver_pytest import pth

# -------------------
def pytest_addoption(parser):

# -------------------
def pytest_configure(config):

Writing a test case

  • import unittest and pytest as normal. Then import medver_pytest:
import unittest
import pytest
from medver_pytest import pth

Note: 'pth' is a global that holds a reference to PytestHarness. The harness holds references to all classes needed during a test run.

  • next create a normal unit test for pytest/unittest
# -------------------
class TestSample(unittest.TestCase):
  # --------------------
  def setUpClass(cls):

  # -------------------
  def setUp(self):

  # -------------------
  def tearDown(self):

  # --------------------
  def tearDownClass(self):
  • To create a protocol use pth.proto.protocol() with a protocol id and description
  • To create steps within that protocol, use pth.proto.step()
# --------------------
def test_0(self):
    # declare a new protocol id and it's description
    pth.proto.protocol('tp-000', 'basic pass/fail tests')

    pth.proto.step('try checks with 1 failure')
    pth.ver.verify_equal(1, 2, reqids='SRS-001')
    pth.ver.verify_equal(1, 1, reqids='SRS-002')
    pth.ver.verify_equal(1, 1, reqids='SRS-003')
    pth.proto.comment('should be 1 failure and 2 passes')

at this point, there is one protocol TP-000 that has 1 step.

Use doit to run it:

./doit -k test_0


Check the stdout or the out/ver/medver_pytest.txt file:

  • indicates that a failure occurred
  • the return code from the script is non-zero

Report documents

Check the generated documents in the out/ver/ directory.

  • summary.pdf should indicate:

    • there are a total of 7 requirements (see srs_sample.json)
    • there are 2 passing requirements which is 28.8% of all requirements
    • there is 1 failing requirement which is 14.3% of all requirements
    • there are 4 requirements that were not tested which is 57.1% of all requirements
  • test_report.pdf and/or test_protocol.pdf should indicate:

  • the test run type is "dev" so this was not a formal run
  • the test run id is "dev-001". This can be set in cfg.json to track individual test runs
  • the date time the document was generated

  • There should be one protocol TP-000

  • The location of the protocol is number)
  • The protocol had only 1 step which tested requirement SRS-001
  • The report document shows the expected and actual values and that result was a FAIL, and the location of the failing verify() function
  • The report document shows a comment
  • There is table after the protocol showing the requirement SRS-001 and it's description
  • Note the header and footer information comes from the cfg.json file

Pytest markers

  • you can use pytest markers as normal
# --------------------
# @pytest.mark.skip(reason='skip')
def test_init2(self):
    pth.proto.protocol('tp-002', 'test the init2')

    pth.proto.step('verify1 everything is equal')
    pth.ver.verify(1 == 1, reqid='SRS-001')
    # note: this is the second time this requirement is verified

# --------------------
# @pytest.mark.skip(reason='skip')
def test_init3(self):
    pth.proto.protocol('tp-003', 'test the init3')

    pth.proto.step('verify1 everything is equal')
    pth.ver.verify(1 == 1, reqid='SRS-004')

Verification Functions

  • To create verification tests use pth.ver.verify()
# note: you can use normal pytest and unittest functions
# but their results won't show up in the report
self.assertEqual(x, y)

# do a verification against a requirement
pth.ver.verify_equal(x, y, reqid='SRS-001')
pth.ver.verify_equal(x, 1, reqid='SRS-001')
# since all verifys passed, this step's result is PASS

pth.ver.verify(False, reqid='SRS-002')
pth.ver.verify(True, reqid='SRS-002')
pth.ver.verify(True, reqid='SRS-002')
# since one verify failed, this step's result is FAIL

pth.ver.verify(True, reqid='SRS-003')
pth.ver.verify(True, reqid='SRS-003')
pth.ver.verify(False, reqid='SRS-003')
# since one verify failed, this step's result is FAIL
  • See doc/User Guide.docx for a full list of verification functions
verify(actual)  # verify actual is true
verify_true(actual)  # verify actual is true
verify_false(actual)  # verify actual is false
verify_equal(expected, actual)  # verify actual == expected
verify_not_equal(expected, actual)  # verify actual != expected
verify_none(actual)  # verify actual is None
verify_is_none(actual)  # verify actual is None
verify_not_none(actual)  # verify actual is not None
verify_in(actual, exp_list)  # verify actual is in the expected list
verify_not_in(actual, exp_list)  # verify actual is not in the expected list
verify_lt(left, right)  # verify left < right
verify_le(left, right)  # verify left <= right
verify_gt(left, right)  # verify left > right
verify_ge(left, right)  # verify left >= right
verify_reqex(actual, regex)  # verify actual matches the regex
verify_not_reqex(actual, regex)  # verify actual does not match the regex
verify_delta(expected, actual, abs_tolerance)  # verify actual == expected within +/- tolerance
verify_not_delta(expected, actual, abs_tolerance)  # verify actual outside +/- tolerance
verify_delta_pct(expected, actual, pct_tolerance)  # verify actual == expected within +/- percent
verify_not_delta_pct(expected, actual, pct_tolerance)  # verify actual outside +/- percent
  • A pass does not generate any stdout
  • A fail reports various information
    • the location of the failure
    • the expected value (and it's python type)
    • the actual value (and it's python type)
    • a traceback at the time of the failures
   Expected (int)     : 1
   Actual   (int)     : 2 in test_0() -> pth.ver.verify_equal(1, 2, reqids='SRS-001')
medver_pytest/lib/ in verify_equal() -> self._handle_fail(rs)
medver_pytest/lib/ in _handle_fail() -> raise AssertionError(f'at {rs.location}{msg}')
  • The test_report.txt document shows some additional information:
    • the protocol id and description and its location
    • which step failed
    • the date time stamp (dts) when the failure occurred
    • the requirement id
==== protocol: TP-000 basic pass/fail tests
     Step 1  : try checks with 1 failure
       > dts          : 2022-12-11 06:00:52
       > result       : FAIL
       > actual       : 2
       > actual raw   : 2
       > expected     : 1
       > expected raw : 1
       > reqids       : {'SRS-001': 1}
       > location     :

Generate Report

  • to generate a report use:

  • see helpers/

import os
import sys

sys.path.insert(1, os.path.join('.'))

from medver_pytest import *  # noqa

# generate the report
# force iuvmode to be
pth.cfg.cli_set('iuvmode', False)


to invoke it:

$pyexe helpers/

- John Arrizza