FPGA projects
These projects are built with the Vivado IDE and are run on CMODA7 board which uses the AMD Atrix-7 FPGA. See below for prerequisites and some basic setup.
- LED blink - blink the LED, adjust the blink rate with the PCB buttons
- pushbutton LED - turn on the LED when the pushbutton is pressed and held
- pushbutton LED toggle - toggle the LED when the pushbutton is pressed
- CMODA7 FPGA board
- Vivado correctly installed on Ubuntu (only tested with 20.04)
- assume Vivado v2023.2
- install Vivado and Vitis HLS
- select Artix-7 devices (the CMODA7 uses an Artix-7)
- download to ~/xilinx (or wherever you wish)
- install takes 20m+
- install any updates 20m+
- to uninstall older versions of Vivado:
cd ~/xilinx # or wherever you installed it
cd the_version_to_uninstall
./xsetup -Uninstall