A typical xplat.cfg looks like this:
; the version string held in mod_dir_name/lib/version.json
version = '0.0.1'
; the module name (with dashes)
mod_name = 'your-project'
; flag indicating this is a module/library (True) or an app (False)
is_module = False
; indicating if private or public
mod_type = 'private'
; which tech is used for this project: python, cpp, arduino
mod_tech = 'python'
; == typically do not change from here on
; the license for the module
license = 'MIT'
; the license string for the classifier section
classifier_license = 'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License'
; the url for the homepage link
homepage_url = 'https://bitbucket.org/arrizza-{mod_type}/{mod_name}/src/master'
; the url for the download link
download_url = 'https://bitbucket.org/arrizza-{mod_type}/{mod_name}/get/master.zip'
; the author name
author = 'JA'
; the contact email
email = 'youremail'
; the type of the description file used
long_desc_type = 'text/markdown'
; --------------------
; additional cfg for do_publish
; disallow these modules from being published; comma separated list
disallow = module-name, devpy-mod-template
; --------------------
; additional cfg for do_lint
; include the tools directory
include_tools = False
; for cpp/arduino: src directories
src_dirs = []
; --------------------
; additional cfg for do_doc
; document description
doxy_desc = 'app full name and description'
; additional exclude directories (if any)
doxy_exclude = './lib/build_info.py'
; additional include directories (if any)
doxy_include =
; --------------------
; additional cfg for do_post_ver
; directory to save verification html files
dst_dir = '~/projects/web-ver'
; directory to get verification html files
src_dir = 'out/ver'
; web slug; use 'N/A' for projects not on the web
slug = 'N/A'
; PyPi URL for python modules; use 'N/A' not a module
; e.g. https://pypi.org/project/{mod_name}
pypi_url = 'N/A'
; repo URL; note can only be public
repo_url = 'N/A'
; --------------------
; additional cfg for do_ut
; cpp only: the coverage dirs to report
cov_dirs =
main xplat section
The version string used for the module/library.
The module/application name. This must use dashes, no underscores e.g. "devpy-mod-template".
Flag indicating this is a module/library (True) or an app (False).
Indicating if the repo is 'private' or 'public' in the bitbucket account.
Which technology is used for this project: python, cpp, arduino. This is used to select the tools and other aspects of the project e.g. pylint or clang-tidy
The license for the module e.g. 'MIT'. This is used when publishing to Pypi for python modules.
The license string for the classifier section in Pypi setup e.g. 'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License' This is used when publishing to Pypi for python modules.
The URL for the repo location e.g. 'https://bitbucket.org/arrizza-{mod_type}/{mod_name}/src/master' This is used when publishing to Pypi for python modules.
The URL for the download location e.g. 'https://bitbucket.org/arrizza-{mod_type}/{mod_name}/get/master.zip' This is used when publishing to Pypi for python modules.
The author name e.g. 'JA' This is used when publishing to Pypi for python modules.
The contact email e.g. 'youremail@gmail.com' This is used when publishing to Pypi for python modules.
The type of the description file used e.g. 'text/markdown' This is used when publishing to Pypi for python modules.
do_publish section
A list of modules not allowed to be published to Pypi. Use a comma separated list,
disallow = module-name, devpy-mod-template
or a module name per line e.g.
disallow = module-name
do_lint section
Include the tools directory when linting (True) or exclude it (False).
For cpp/arduino, the source directories to run lint on.
src_dirs = src, sample
src_dirs = src
do_doc section
Used to set the doxygen cfg value in Doxyfile:
PROJECT_BRIEF = "app full name and description"
Additional exclude directories (if any).
doxy_exclude = './{mod_dir_name}/lib/build_info.py'
doxy_exclude = dir1
Note the "{mode_dir_name}" gets converted to the module_name with "-" replaced by "_" and added to the Doxyfile:
EXCLUDE += ./devpy_mod_template/lib/build_info.py
Additional include directories (if any).
doxy_include = dir1, dir2
are add to the Doxyfile:
INPUT += dir1
INPUT += dir2
do_post_ver section
Directory to save the verification html files e.g. '~/projects/web-ver'
Directory to get the verification html files e.g. = 'out/ver' Note: ./do_ver should place html in that directory with names:
- summary-min.html
- test_report-min.html
- trace-min.html
slug = 'N/A'
Web page slug to use the verification reports table. This will be converted to a link e.g. https://pypi.org/project/{mod_name} Use 'N/A' for projects that are not on the web.
Link to the Pypi site to use the verification reports table. Use 'N/A' for projects that are not in Pypi.
Link tot the repo URL to use in the verification reports table. Use 'N/A' for projects that are not public.
do_ut section
For cpp only. The coverage dirs to report on e.g. 'src'
Note coverage is initiated by do_ut.