PyPi module | https://pypi.org/project/devpy-mod-template.html |
git repository | https://bitbucket.org/arrizza-public/devpy-mod-template |
git command | git clone git@bitbucket.org:arrizza-public/devpy-mod-template.git |
Verification Report | https://arrizza.com/web-ver/devpy-mod-template-report.html |
Version Info |
- installation: see https://arrizza.com/setup-common
This is a template for a Python module. It contains a set of scripts and configuration files that make creating, developing and maintaining a Python module easier.
- See Quick Start for information on using scripts.
- See xplat.cfg to configure xplat.cfg file.
- See xplat-utils submodule for information on the submodule.
How to use
- create a git for your module
- use a diff tool like meld, and copy contents from this repo into your module.
- rename devpy_mod_template directory to your module's name. Use the contents as a starting point or replace completely with your module's content
- rename "devpy_mod_template" in source files to your module's name.
# clean it
./do_clean # start from scratch
# install it
./do_subm_update full # first time for submodules
./do_subm_update # ... thereafter
./do_install full # first time for OS and pip modules
./do_install # ...thereafter
# doc it
./do_doc # generate doxygen html and PDF
# check it
./do_check # check configs and files are okay
./do_lint # pylint or clint-tidy
# publish it
./do_publish # for python modules, publish to Pypi
./do_update # update local python modules in venv
# run it
./doit # run the app/sample code to run the module/library
./do_ver # run verification (if implemented)
./do_ut # run unit tests (if implemented)
# misc
source do_env # (optional) activate python virtual environment