Python - Microcontroller Interface

pycro projects

pycro (PYthon-miCROcontroller) interface uses a python script to communicate with a microcontroller.

The initial algorithm development phase in a project can be done very quickly and easily with python. The full power of python and especially its modules are available at that time e.g. graphing, mathematical analysis tools, etc.

Once the algorithm is fleshed out, the script can be converted to C/C++ and run on the microcontroller at full speed.

Note that this currently uses python, but it should be easy to use Ruby and even javascript (via Node). The scripting language only needs:

  • access to a communication protocol e.g. UART/Serial or even USB
  • ability to create, read and manipulate byte streams to send on the protocol.

And also note that this currently uses an Arduino Nano. It should be usable across all Arduinos and other microcontrollers ESP32 and STM32 etc.

Communication Protocol


  • host - the entity that initiates communications aka as "client", "master", etc.
  • uCtrl - the microcontroller (e.g. Arduino) that responds to the communications aka as "server", "slave", etc.
  • packet - one or more bytes sent from the host or from the uCtrl
  • cmd - a command send from host to uCtrl
  • rsp - a response received on host from uCtrl

Packet types

  • command - issued from host; always has a response
  • directive - issued from host; does not have a response
  • response - issued from client; the response from a command or a get
  • async response - asynchronously issued from client (no command)


  • packets start at byte 0 and are a maximum of 255 bytes long
  • cmd id is always in byte 2 in all commands and responses
  • NAK = 0x00, ACK = 0x01 are defined per response
  • If the command is always successful, the response will only have an ACK.

rsp: comm ok

Note: no cmd is sent

Sent from uCtrl at startup to indicate communication is ready.

comm ok type: async response
byte0 length = 0 bytes

cmd: ping

Send from host to uCtrl to check communication.

ping type: command
byte0 length = 3 bytes
byte1 cmd bits - reserved
byte2 cmd = 0x00

expected response


pong type: response
byte0 length = 4 bytes
byte1 ACK = 0x01 (no NAK)
byte2 cmd = 0x00 ping
byte3 PONG = 0x01

cmd: GPIO mode

Send from host to uCtrl to set a GPIO pin's mode for input or output activity

GPIO mode type: directive
byte0 length = 5 bytes
byte1 cmd bits - reserved
byte2 cmd = 0x01
byte3: pin the pin number e.g. 0x0D = 13 for the LED gpio
byte4: state INPUT (0x0) or OUTPUT (0x1) or INPUT_PULLUP (0x2)

expected response


cmd: GPIO write

Send from host to uCtrl to write a value (low/high) to a GPIO pin

GPIO write type: directive
byte0 length = 5 bytes
byte1 cmd bits - reserved
byte2 cmd = 0x02
byte3 pin: the pin number e.g. 0x0D = 13 for the LED gpio
byte4 state: LOW (0x0) or HIGH (0x1)

expected response


cmd: GPIO read

Send from host to uCtrl to read a GPIO pin's state (low/high)

GPIO read type: command
byte0 length = 4 bytes
byte1 cmd bits - reserved
byte2 cmd = 0x03
byte3 pin : the pin number e.g. 0x0D = 13 for the LED gpio

expected response

GPIO value (HIGH or LOW)

GPIO state type: response
byte0 length = 4 bytes
byte1 ACK = 0x01 (no NAK)
byte2 cmd = 0x03 GPIO read
byte3 pin state 0x00 (LOW) or 0x01 (HIGH)

cmd: ADC Read

Send from host to uCtrl to read an ADC pin's value.

ADC Read type: command
byte0 length = 4 bytes
byte1 cmd bits - reserved
byte2 cmd = 0x04
byte3 pin : the pin number e.g. 0x00 = A0

expected response

The ADC value read from the pin. The valid bits depend on the uCtrl spec. The max size is 16 bits.

ADC value type: response
byte0 length = 5 bytes
byte1 ACK = 0x01 (no NAK)
byte2 cmd = 0x04 ADC read
byte3 LSB of 16-bit value
byte4 MSB of 16-bit value
  • Arduino Nano: 10 bits are valid

cmd: uCtrl version

Send from host to uCtrl to get the uCtrl version

uCtrl version type: command
byte0 length = 3 bytes
byte1 cmd bits - reserved
byte2 cmd = 0x05

expected response

Send from host to uCtrl to get the uCtrl version and type.

uCtrl version type: response
byte0 length = 0x0D (13 bytes)
byte1 ACK = 0x01 (no NAK)
byte2 cmd = 0x05 version
byte3 uCtrl type
byte4 reserved
byte5 - byte12 8 character string (no terminating null)

The uCtrl type is an enum for all supported microcontrollers:

  • 0x00 Arduino Nano
  • values 0x01 - 0xFF reserved for future

Assumes the version:

  • total length is 8 characters (no terminating null)
  • has 3 parts: major.minor.patch
  • each has a max of 2 characters
  • each is separated by a "."
  • any space remaining is filled with spaces

cmd get digital port

Send from host to uCtrl to get all digital port values at once

get digital port type: command
byte0 length = 3 bytes
byte1 cmd bits - reserved
byte2 cmd = 0x06

expected response

The Port B and Port D bits.

Port B and D bits type: response
byte0 length = 5 bytes
byte1 ACK = 0x01 (no NAK)
byte2 cmd = 0x06 digital port read
byte3 Port B bits
byte4 Port D bits

See for the port to pin mapping.

The port bits in byte3 and byte4 map to arduino pins:

  • byte3 bit 5 => D13 = Port B bit 5
  • byte3 bit 4 => D12 = Port B bit 4
  • byte3 bit 3 => D11 = Port B bit 3
  • byte3 bit 2 => D10 = Port B bit 2
  • byte3 bit 1 => D9 = Port B bit 1
  • byte4 bit 0 => D8 = Port B bit 0
  • byte4 bit 7 => D7 = Port D bit 7
  • byte4 bit 6 => D6 = Port D bit 6
  • byte4 bit 5 => D5 = Port D bit 5
  • byte4 bit 4 => D4 = Port D bit 4
  • byte4 bit 3 => D3 = Port D bit 3
  • byte4 bit 2 => D2 = Port D bit 2
  • byte4 bit 1 => always 0 (D1 = Port D bit 1, used for RX for uart comm.)
  • byte4 bit 0 => always 0 (D0 = Port D bit 0, used for TX for uart comm.)

If byte3 and byte4 are combined into a 16-bit integer the mapping is simple, e.g. bit 12 is D12, bit 5 is D5.

cmd pwm

Send from host to uCtrl to set a pin's PWM duty cycle:

PWM type: command
byte0 length = 5 bytes
byte1 cmd bits - reserved
byte2 cmd = 0x07
byte3 pin : the pin number e.g. 0x03 = D3
byte4 duty cycle: 0 - 255
  • Arduino Nano: pin must be D3, 5, 6, 9, 10, or D11

expected response


  • The PWM period is 1.024 mS and the frequency is 976.418 Hz
  • At a duty_cycle 127, the pulse is 0.512 mS

cmd - servo configuration

Send from host to uCtrl to configure a pin for servo control

servo cfg type: command
byte0 length = 4 bytes
byte1 cmd bits - reserved
byte2 cmd = 0x08
byte3 pin : the pin number e.g. 0x03 = D3
  • Arduino Nano: pin must be D3, 5, 6, 9, 10, or D11
  • min >= MIN_PULSE_WIDTH == 544
  • max >= MAX_PULSE_WIDTH == 2400

expected response


cmd - servo write

Send from host to uCtrl to set servo to a position (in microseconds)

servo write type: command
byte0 length = 5 bytes
byte1 cmd bits - reserved
byte2 cmd = 0x09
byte3 LSB position e.g. 575
byte4 MSB position pulse-width e.g. 575

expected response


cmd - placeholder for next cmd

placeholder type: placeholder
byte0 length = ? bytes
byte1 cmd bits - reserved
byte2 cmd = 0x0A (placeholder only

cmd: ad hoc

Send from host to uCtrl to perform an ad hoc function as implemented on the uCtrl.

ad hoc type: command
byte0 length = N bytes (3 <= N <= 255
byte1 cmd bits - reserved
byte2 cmd = 0xFF
byte 3 to byte 255 depends on ad hoc command

expected response

The ad hoc response as implemented on the uCtrl.

ad hoc type: response
byte0 length = N bytes (3 <= N <= 255)
byte1 ACK = 0x01 (no NAK)
byte2 cmd = 0xFF adhoc
byte3 to byte 255 implementation dependent

- John Arrizza