Verification Test Results for find-the-best

Automated Test Summary

Test Run Details


Requirements Summary
Count Percentage
#Requirements 1 100.0%
Manual Requirements 0 0.0%
Manual & Auto Requirements 0 0.0%
Automated Requirements 1 100.0%
Invalid 0 0.0%
PASS 0 0.0%
FAIL 0 0.0%
Not tested 1 100.0%

Protocol Summary
Count Percentage
#Protocols 10 100.0%
PASS 9 90.0%
FAIL 1 10.0%

Test Run Details

Test Protocols with results

TP-001: load empty data and initialize it Start date : 2025-02-07 09:09:52 MST
At: Requirements : see below
Software Version: N/A Serial number: N/A
  • verify Model can load a new project and populate it
Preconditions: N/A Deviations: N/A
Step Req. Execution Instructions Expected Actual Pass / Fail Date
1 N/A load empty project True True PASS 2025-02-07 09:09:52
tester: auto
2 N/A add criteria greater than 0 2 PASS 2025-02-07 09:09:52
tester: auto
3 N/A modify criteria context greater than 0 4 PASS 2025-02-07 09:09:52
tester: auto
4 N/A rank criteria greater than 0 8 PASS 2025-02-07 09:09:52
tester: auto
5 N/A load tasks greater than 0 10 PASS 2025-02-07 09:09:52
tester: auto
6 N/A check compids greater than 0 13 PASS 2025-02-07 09:09:52
tester: auto
7 N/A compare each criteria for each combo of tasks greater than 0 14 PASS 2025-02-07 09:09:52
tester: auto
8 N/A report ranking of each tasks per criteria 100 +/-1 101 PASS 2025-02-07 09:09:52
tester: auto
9 N/A report overall rank of each task 100 100 PASS 2025-02-07 09:09:52
tester: auto
10 N/A delete tasks and criteria True True PASS 2025-02-07 09:09:52
tester: auto

Req. Desc.
N/A No requirements found

TP-002: add/delete/edit tasks or criteria Start date : 2025-02-07 09:09:52 MST
At: Requirements : see below
Software Version: N/A Serial number: N/A
  • verify Model can add new, delete or modify tasks or criteria and tasks
Preconditions: N/A Deviations: N/A
Step Req. Execution Instructions Expected Actual Pass / Fail Date
1 N/A load existing empty4.json 0.2 0.2 PASS 2025-02-07 09:09:52
tester: auto
2 N/A add, delete, modify criteria greater than 0 25 PASS 2025-02-07 09:09:52
tester: auto
3 N/A modify criteria ranks 1.0 +/-0.015 0.99 PASS 2025-02-07 09:09:52
tester: auto
4 N/A add, delete, modify tasks greater than 0 30 PASS 2025-02-07 09:09:52
tester: auto
5 N/A misc. functions False False PASS 2025-02-07 09:09:52
tester: auto

Req. Desc.
N/A No requirements found

TP-003: load, save and check_and_fix functions Start date : 2025-02-07 09:09:52 MST
At: Requirements : see below
Software Version: N/A Serial number: N/A
Objectives: N/A
Preconditions: N/A Deviations: N/A
Step Req. Execution Instructions Expected Actual Pass / Fail Date
1 N/A load various json files greater than 0 35 PASS 2025-02-07 09:09:52
tester: auto
2 N/A call check and fix {'t1-t2': None} {'t1-t2': None} PASS 2025-02-07 09:09:52
tester: auto

Req. Desc.
N/A No requirements found

TP-020: load empty data and initialize it Start date : 2025-02-07 09:09:52 MST
At: Requirements : see below
Software Version: N/A Serial number: N/A
Objectives: N/A
Preconditions: N/A Deviations: N/A
Step Req. Execution Instructions Expected Actual Pass / Fail Date
1 N/A start Gui False False PASS 2025-02-07 09:09:52
tester: auto
2 N/A connect harness to GUI App server True True PASS 2025-02-07 09:09:53
tester: auto
3 N/A load empty project normal normal PASS 2025-02-07 09:09:54
tester: auto
4 N/A save initial file content {'next_task_id': 1, 'next_crit_id': 1, 'crits': {}, 'tasks': {}, 'comps': {}} {'next_task_id': 1, 'next_crit_id': 1, 'crits': {}, 'tasks': {}, 'comps': {}} PASS 2025-02-07 09:09:54
tester: auto
5 N/A add criteria {'next_task_id': 1, 'next_crit_id': 4, 'crits': {'c1': {'name': 'crit1', 'rawrank': 1, 'rank': 0.33, 'context': 'context1'}, 'c2': {'name': 'crit2', 'rawrank': 1, 'rank': 0.33, 'context': 'context2'}, 'c3': {'name': 'crit3', 'rawrank': 1, 'rank': 0.33, 'context': 'context3'}}, 'tasks': {}, 'comps': {'c1': {}, 'c2': {}, 'c3': {}}} {'next_task_id': 1, 'next_crit_id': 4, 'crits': {'c1': {'name': 'crit1', 'rawrank': 1, 'rank': 0.33, 'context': 'context1'}, 'c2': {'name': 'crit2', 'rawrank': 1, 'rank': 0.33, 'context': 'context2'}, 'c3': {'name': 'crit3', 'rawrank': 1, 'rank': 0.33, 'context': 'context3'}}, 'tasks': {}, 'comps': {'c1': {}, 'c2': {}, 'c3': {}}} PASS 2025-02-07 09:09:56
tester: auto
6 N/A load tasks {'next_task_id': 4, 'next_crit_id': 4, 'crits': {'c1': {'name': 'crit1', 'rawrank': 1, 'rank': 0.33, 'context': 'context1'}, 'c2': {'name': 'crit2', 'rawrank': 1, 'rank': 0.33, 'context': 'context2'}, 'c3': {'name': 'crit3', 'rawrank': 1, 'rank': 0.33, 'context': 'context3'}}, 'tasks': {'t1': {'name': 'task1'}, 't2': {'name': 'task2'}, 't3': {'name': 'task3'}}, 'comps': {'c1': {'t1-t2': None, 't1-t3': None, 't2-t3': None}, 'c2': {'t1-t2': None, 't1-t3': None, 't2-t3': None}, 'c3': {'t1-t2': None, 't1-t3': None, 't2-t3': None}}} {'next_task_id': 4, 'next_crit_id': 4, 'crits': {'c1': {'name': 'crit1', 'rawrank': 1, 'rank': 0.33, 'context': 'context1'}, 'c2': {'name': 'crit2', 'rawrank': 1, 'rank': 0.33, 'context': 'context2'}, 'c3': {'name': 'crit3', 'rawrank': 1, 'rank': 0.33, 'context': 'context3'}}, 'tasks': {'t1': {'name': 'task1'}, 't2': {'name': 'task2'}, 't3': {'name': 'task3'}}, 'comps': {'c1': {'t1-t2': None, 't1-t3': None, 't2-t3': None}, 'c2': {'t1-t2': None, 't1-t3': None, 't2-t3': None}, 'c3': {'t1-t2': None, 't1-t3': None, 't2-t3': None}}} PASS 2025-02-07 09:09:58
tester: auto
7 N/A rank criteria {'next_task_id': 4, 'next_crit_id': 4, 'crits': {'c1': {'name': 'crit1', 'rawrank': 5, 'rank': 0.5, 'context': 'context1'}, 'c2': {'name': 'crit2', 'rawrank': 3, 'rank': 0.3, 'context': 'context2'}, 'c3': {'name': 'crit3', 'rawrank': 2, 'rank': 0.2, 'context': 'context3'}}, 'tasks': {'t1': {'name': 'task1'}, 't2': {'name': 'task2'}, 't3': {'name': 'task3'}}, 'comps': {'c1': {'t1-t2': None, 't1-t3': None, 't2-t3': None}, 'c2': {'t1-t2': None, 't1-t3': None, 't2-t3': None}, 'c3': {'t1-t2': None, 't1-t3': None, 't2-t3': None}}} {'next_task_id': 4, 'next_crit_id': 4, 'crits': {'c1': {'name': 'crit1', 'rawrank': 5, 'rank': 0.5, 'context': 'context1'}, 'c2': {'name': 'crit2', 'rawrank': 3, 'rank': 0.3, 'context': 'context2'}, 'c3': {'name': 'crit3', 'rawrank': 2, 'rank': 0.2, 'context': 'context3'}}, 'tasks': {'t1': {'name': 'task1'}, 't2': {'name': 'task2'}, 't3': {'name': 'task3'}}, 'comps': {'c1': {'t1-t2': None, 't1-t3': None, 't2-t3': None}, 'c2': {'t1-t2': None, 't1-t3': None, 't2-t3': None}, 'c3': {'t1-t2': None, 't1-t3': None, 't2-t3': None}}} PASS 2025-02-07 09:09:59
tester: auto
8 N/A compare each criteria for each combo of tasks {'next_task_id': 4, 'next_crit_id': 4, 'crits': {'c1': {'name': 'crit1', 'rawrank': 5, 'rank': 0.5, 'context': 'context1'}, 'c2': {'name': 'crit2', 'rawrank': 3, 'rank': 0.3, 'context': 'context2'}, 'c3': {'name': 'crit3', 'rawrank': 2, 'rank': 0.2, 'context': 'context3'}}, 'tasks': {'t1': {'name': 'task1'}, 't2': {'name': 'task2'}, 't3': {'name': 'task3'}}, 'comps': {'c1': {'t1-t2': 1, 't1-t3': 1, 't2-t3': 0}, 'c2': {'t1-t2': 1, 't1-t3': 1, 't2-t3': 0}, 'c3': {'t1-t2': 0, 't1-t3': 1, 't2-t3': 1}}} {'next_task_id': 4, 'next_crit_id': 4, 'crits': {'c1': {'name': 'crit1', 'rawrank': 5, 'rank': 0.5, 'context': 'context1'}, 'c2': {'name': 'crit2', 'rawrank': 3, 'rank': 0.3, 'context': 'context2'}, 'c3': {'name': 'crit3', 'rawrank': 2, 'rank': 0.2, 'context': 'context3'}}, 'tasks': {'t1': {'name': 'task1'}, 't2': {'name': 'task2'}, 't3': {'name': 'task3'}}, 'comps': {'c1': {'t1-t2': 1, 't1-t3': 1, 't2-t3': 0}, 'c2': {'t1-t2': 1, 't1-t3': 1, 't2-t3': 0}, 'c3': {'t1-t2': 0, 't1-t3': 1, 't2-t3': 1}}} PASS 2025-02-07 09:10:00
tester: auto
9 N/A delete a criteria after tasks have been added {'next_task_id': 4, 'next_crit_id': 5, 'crits': {'c1': {'name': 'crit1', 'rawrank': 5, 'rank': 0.62, 'context': 'context1'}, 'c3': {'name': 'crit3', 'rawrank': 2, 'rank': 0.25, 'context': 'context3'}, 'c4': {'name': 'crit4', 'rawrank': 1, 'rank': 0.12, 'context': ''}}, 'tasks': {'t1': {'name': 'task1'}, 't2': {'name': 'task2'}, 't3': {'name': 'task3'}}, 'comps': {'c1': {'t1-t2': 1, 't1-t3': 1, 't2-t3': 0}, 'c3': {'t1-t2': 0, 't1-t3': 1, 't2-t3': 1}, 'c4': {'t1-t2': None, 't1-t3': None, 't2-t3': None}}} {'next_task_id': 4, 'next_crit_id': 5, 'crits': {'c1': {'name': 'crit1', 'rawrank': 5, 'rank': 0.62, 'context': 'context1'}, 'c3': {'name': 'crit3', 'rawrank': 2, 'rank': 0.25, 'context': 'context3'}, 'c4': {'name': 'crit4', 'rawrank': 1, 'rank': 0.12, 'context': ''}}, 'tasks': {'t1': {'name': 'task1'}, 't2': {'name': 'task2'}, 't3': {'name': 'task3'}}, 'comps': {'c1': {'t1-t2': 1, 't1-t3': 1, 't2-t3': 0}, 'c3': {'t1-t2': 0, 't1-t3': 1, 't2-t3': 1}, 'c4': {'t1-t2': None, 't1-t3': None, 't2-t3': None}}} PASS 2025-02-07 09:10:07
tester: auto
10 N/A delete a task ack ack PASS 2025-02-07 09:10:08
tester: auto
11 N/A disconnect from GUI API server False False PASS 2025-02-07 09:10:08
tester: auto

Req. Desc.
N/A No requirements found

TP-021: load an existing file Start date : 2025-02-07 09:10:12 MST
At: Requirements : see below
Software Version: N/A Serial number: N/A
Objectives: N/A
Preconditions: N/A Deviations: N/A
Step Req. Execution Instructions Expected Actual Pass / Fail Date
1 N/A start Gui False False PASS 2025-02-07 09:10:12
tester: auto
2 N/A connect harness to GUI App server True True PASS 2025-02-07 09:10:13
tester: auto
3 N/A load existing project False False PASS 2025-02-07 09:10:13
tester: auto
4 N/A use File|Saveas with a new name True True PASS 2025-02-07 09:10:15
tester: auto
5 N/A use File|Close to close and no save/save the file 4 4 PASS 2025-02-07 09:10:17
tester: auto
6 N/A use File|Exit to close and no save/save the file False False PASS 2025-02-07 09:10:20
tester: auto
7 N/A disconnect from GUI API server None None PASS 2025-02-07 09:10:26
tester: auto

Req. Desc.
N/A No requirements found

TP-022: file exit with a save Start date : 2025-02-07 09:10:27 MST
At: Requirements : see below
Software Version: N/A Serial number: N/A
Objectives: N/A
Preconditions: N/A Deviations: N/A
Step Req. Execution Instructions Expected Actual Pass / Fail Date
1 N/A start Gui False False PASS 2025-02-07 09:10:27
tester: auto
2 N/A connect harness to GUI App server True True PASS 2025-02-07 09:10:27
tester: auto
3 N/A use File|Exit to close and save the file 4 4 PASS 2025-02-07 09:10:28
tester: auto
4 N/A disconnect from GUI API server None None PASS 2025-02-07 09:10:35
tester: auto

Req. Desc.
N/A No requirements found

TP-023: untitled file close and exit Start date : 2025-02-07 09:10:35 MST
At: Requirements : see below
Software Version: N/A Serial number: N/A
Objectives: N/A
Preconditions: N/A Deviations: N/A
Step Req. Execution Instructions Expected Actual Pass / Fail Date
1 N/A start Gui False False PASS 2025-02-07 09:10:35
tester: auto
2 N/A connect harness to GUI App server True True PASS 2025-02-07 09:10:36
tester: auto
3 N/A open an untitled project and close/exit it False False PASS 2025-02-07 09:10:37
tester: auto
4 N/A disconnect from GUI API server None None PASS 2025-02-07 09:10:46
tester: auto

Req. Desc.
N/A No requirements found

TP-024: recent file close and exit Start date : 2025-02-07 09:10:46 MST
At: Requirements : see below
Software Version: N/A Serial number: N/A
Objectives: N/A
Preconditions: N/A Deviations: N/A
Step Req. Execution Instructions Expected Actual Pass / Fail Date
1 N/A start Gui False False PASS 2025-02-07 09:10:46
tester: auto
2 N/A connect harness to GUI App server True True PASS 2025-02-07 09:10:47
tester: auto
3 N/A open a recent file and close out/ver_tp022.json out/ver_tp022.json PASS 2025-02-07 09:10:48
tester: auto
4 N/A disconnect from GUI API server False False PASS 2025-02-07 09:10:48
tester: auto

Req. Desc.
N/A No requirements found

TP-080: run the scenario in Start date : 2025-02-07 09:10:51 MST
At: Requirements : see below
Software Version: N/A Serial number: N/A
Objectives: N/A
Preconditions: N/A Deviations: N/A
Step Req. Execution Instructions Expected Actual Pass / Fail Date
1 N/A start Gui False False PASS 2025-02-07 09:10:51
tester: auto
2 N/A connect harness to GUI App server True True PASS 2025-02-07 09:10:52
tester: auto
3 N/A start a new project normal normal PASS 2025-02-07 09:10:53
tester: auto
4 N/A create 3 new tasks 3 3 PASS 2025-02-07 09:10:53
tester: auto
5 N/A change their names to tv, computer, phone new3 new3 PASS 2025-02-07 09:10:53
tester: auto
6 N/A save file as out/ver_tp080.json False False PASS 2025-02-07 09:10:53
tester: auto
7 N/A add 3 criteria is useful is useful PASS 2025-02-07 09:10:54
tester: auto
8 N/A rank criteria 3 3 PASS 2025-02-07 09:10:55
tester: auto
9 N/A compare each criterion for each combo of tasks is useful is useful PASS 2025-02-07 09:10:56
tester: auto
10 N/A check overall ranks asksaveasfilename asksaveasfilename PASS 2025-02-07 09:11:06
tester: auto
11 N/A disconnect from GUI API server False False PASS 2025-02-07 09:11:08
tester: auto

Req. Desc.
N/A No requirements found

TP-099: miscellaneous chacks Start date : 2025-02-07 09:11:12 MST
At: Requirements : see below
Software Version: N/A Serial number: N/A
Objectives: N/A
Preconditions: N/A Deviations: N/A
Step Req. Execution Instructions Expected Actual Pass / Fail Date
1 N/A check version 0.0.1 0.1.0 FAIL 2025-02-07 09:11:12
tester: auto
2 N/A check svc greater than 0 44 PASS 2025-02-07 09:11:12
tester: auto
3 N/A check logger raw1 raw1 PASS 2025-02-07 09:11:12
tester: auto
4 N/A check cfg True True PASS 2025-02-07 09:11:12
tester: auto
5 N/A check app_status False False PASS 2025-02-07 09:11:12
tester: auto

Req. Desc.
N/A No requirements found

Trace Matrix

Test Run Details

Trace Matrix

Req. Id Protocol
Desc: TODO The module shall provide something

ERR missing test case for this requirement